27 October 2016

Hold firmly

This thing keep wandering around in my head and makes me sad since yesterday. 
"Please mention one thing that you'll keep hold on to till the end of your life, no matter what"
Dub dub dub ngg ngg, me the unprepared one kept thinking, dug into my brain what could i say to be the answer. Me, the-still-goin-on-to-find-my-true-identity ended up mentioned the non sense things, twice. My friend, the right one beside me then mentioned her answer with confidence.
"Iman and Taqwa"
Without listening to her next explanation why she mention that. Me, had monologue with my self keep saying "Oh my god that is so true" It feels so right yet so wrong in the heart. In one side, i kept asking myself why i couldn't find that word while i'm thinking minutes ago. On the other side, i felt like all the things that i actually wanna said had been represented by my friend's answer. Those two non sense answer of mine even included in "Iman and Taqwa". All the professional behavior that we've been taught in college also included if we really hold on tight to our Iman. 

You will respect people around you, doing good deeds, be helpful to others, be grateful for everything, be honest, saying nice things, responsible, reliable, ethical, and so on. All of them is what Allah and Rasulullah told us to do through Al-Qur'an and hadith.

Indeed, i really need to recharge and strengthen my Iman. I was busy thinking and doing duniawi things (which may be not that important) lately, not realizing that the ruhiyyah getting weaker as time goes by. 


Source : instagram @lifeofmyheart

*sorry for the random tenses, poor vocab and all the lacks.